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Religious sects and world political maps

 to the point ...

allied country

America (which tends to smell relatively Protestant / Anglican)

English (anglican)


saudi arabia & genk (Wahhabism, non-priestly Protestant Islam, anti-caliphate)

Little story is said, the Anglican split against the Roman Catholics, slightly provoked by the role of the Jews in England

Likewise, Saudi Arabia's uprising against the Ottoman rule (which was considered the symbol of the Sunni Islamic caliphate), was provoked by the British.

and with a little chaos in the middle east facilitate the establishment of the state of israel

against allied countries

Russia, the majority of which are orthodox Christians, was once ruled by an anti-religious communist regime.

iranian genk, the wing of 'Islam' shia

China, which is controlled by the communist party. the latter expands capitalistly

North Korea, a dynasty that claims to be communist

then where is the catholic country?

There is only one Catholic country, namely the Vatican, which expresses more massive world political policies through nation-states. for example Italy, Spain, Latin America, Philippines

In the past, the power of 'real' Catholicism had manifested itself in the Holy Roman Empire, to the rule of the Nazi Hitler's fascist, Musolini.

During Hitler's time he had allied himself with the Ottoman Turks

Buddhist power

Buddhist teachings are not too obvious in world politics, although at the beginning of development it was known that a king named Asoka expanded, and a Buddhist state emerged in the region of Southeast Asia and East Asia.

Japan, where the emperor himself is a Sinto, Buddhism is also quite developed there. although in modern times it is said that they tend to be agnostic/atheist. and Japan itself, although it had expanded with the slogan 'Greater East Asia' and now tends to ally itself with America. even if only for a certain moment

Hindu power.

india, nepal which is closer to the british empire that once colonized it

Isn't it fun religious competition? ...


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